Sunday / June 7, 2020 / On Selected Digital Platforms / All day, all night
15 hours, 41 minutes, and 199 songs of Purple Music – Eternally Purple: A Celebration of Prince is Purple Eternity Records’ homage to the greatest artist of all time, Prince Rogers Nelson, on what would’ve been his 62nd birthday.
Eternally Purple: A Celebration of Prince is a digital 7-part celebration in honor of The Legendary Artist Forever Known as Prince, inspired and derived from our Prince: 60th Anniversary Celebration event held on June 7, back in 2018. Like our 2018-original, this digital experience celebrates the vast body of work by Prince in its entirety, and tries to illuminate all facets of his genius rather than focusing only on one specific era or his best-selling works, providing an extensive visual and acoustical experience to enjoy. All seven parts are altered sets of our celebration event from 2018 and feature a vastly expanded selection of material on each part, overall maintaining the same structure and themes of our original celebration event. This ultimate experience features three visual and four acoustical parts, with four being exclusively available on YouTube, two only on Mixcloud, and one across selected digital platforms for streaming and download. This extensive set of playlists and mixes has been carefully curated by Purple Eternity Records in collaboration with ALH, and is now available on the anniversary of Prince’s birth to pay tribute and celebrate the eternal legacy of the greatest artist that the world might have ever seen: Prince Rogers Nelson.
Dive into the purple universe and celebrate with us the birthday of Prince, with the 7 different experiences of this ultimate digital celebration event presented below, with each illuminating one facet of Prince’s extraordinary artistry and eternal legacy.

Part 1 | Prince: His Career In Pictures – A Music Video Chronology
Prince’s appeareance, musical style, inspiration, and bands were always in constant motion over the years of his 40-year career. To capture these changes and experience Prince’s development and growth over his entire career, this experience illuminates his illustrious career with a chronological collection of selected music videos from 1979’s ‘Prince’ to 2014’s ‘PlectrumElectrum’.
Includes 45 music videos, featuring hits like “1999”, “When Doves Cry”, “Diamonds & Pearls”, “Musicology” and many more. Now exclusively available on YouTube.
Total time: 3 hours, 7 minutes and 34 seconds.

Part 2 | Prince: Live On Screen
As great of a musician Prince was in-studio, everybody who has seen him in-concert knows that there is nothing more electrifying and powerful than The Artist performing live. To spotlight his unique aura and extraordinary virtuosity on stage, this chronological collection of live performances includes excerpts from concert shows spanning his entire career, showcasing his constant stylistic changes and his development as a live performer.
Includes 30 videos of live performances featuring songs performed on the “Purple Rain Tour” from 1984, the “Diamonds & Pearls Tour” from 1992, the by-invitation-only show at Café de Paris from 1998, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony from 2004, and many more. Now exclusively available on YouTube.
Total time: 2 hours, 38 minutes and 41 seconds.

Part 3 | Rainmaker: A Tribute To Prince
Many musicians and other kinds of artists have been deeply inspired by Prince’s artistry and philosophy, and are paying tribute to the late artist regularly since his passing, one of them being Aaron Levin Harder who shares a lifetime connection to Prince. In honor of The Artist, Harder performed a live set of selected Prince songs on our Prince: 60th Anniversary Celebration event we held on June 7, 2018, and performed classics like “Let’s Go Crazy”, “Kiss”, “Cream”, and several deep-cuts like “Joy In Repetition” and “Deliverance” on guitar and piano. As we continued to release previously unreleased material from Aaron Levin Harder as part of our release project The Aaron Levin Harder Legacy, unauthorized audience recordings from that particular tribute performance have been unearthed, and received an extensive overworking to be officially released as part of this years digital celebration event. One medley from each set, one performed with guitar and the other with piano, has been selected for an eventual release and are now presented on this sampler single that is also accompanied by a music video of live footage from the performance.
Includes the official music video of Harder’s live performance of “She’s Always In My Hair / Cream”, and the audio streaming of “She’s Always In My Hair / Cream” alongside “Joy In Repetition / I Would Die 4 U”, also available for digital download. Now available for streaming on Audiomack, Soundcloud, YouTube, and for digital download here on our website.
Total time: 6 minutes and 39 seconds (excluding the music video).

Part 4 | The Ultimate Rave: A Purple Party Mix
There are thousands of legendary stories about Prince’s late night aftershows and private parties, as well as a lot of evidence of him liking to constantly reinvent his own songs and compile many extended maxi singles with lots of 12″ party remixes. To illuminate his experimental nature and joyful spirit, this unique DJ set is assembled of rare party remixes and few selected rave-tracks that were actually available on regular albums, to provide a chronological mix of his most energetic party songs. Presented are tracks from 1989’s ‘Batman’ to 2015’s ‘HitNRun Phase Two’.
Includes 30 tracks from maxi singles like 1989’s ‘Batdance’, 1991’s ‘Cream’, the New Power Generations’ ‘The Good Life’ from 1995, The Artist’s remix album ‘Rave In2 The Joy Fantastic’ from 2001, the NPG Music Club’s Ahdio Show and many more. Now exclusively available on Mixcloud.
Total time: 2 hours, 36 minutes and 36 seconds.

Part 5 | The Vault Experience: Discovering Prince
The legendary vault of unreleased Prince recordings has always been a hidden treasure for all Prince fans ever since, and has been the focal point of the posthumous releases that are arriving since Prince’s passing, bearing tons of material that reaches from simple first demo takes to recordings for other artists, abandoned alternate versions of released tracks and lots more. This mix consists of unreleased tracks that are yet to receive their official release, but which have been circulating around for a long time already, to showcase Prince’s work progress and idea world, featuring songs that bear clear characteristics of other tracks that received their release in a later stage, tracks that have been written or given to other artists, outtakes, tryouts, and more. This experience dives deep into the creative world and genius of Prince, exploring his work that did not make it onto his released works and never saw the light of day.
Including 15 unreleased tracks from various stages of his career, like his original recording of “Data Bank” which was re-recorded and released by The Time on their 1990 album Pandemonium, an instumental track from 1981, “All My Dreams” together with The Revolution which was intended for the abandoned ‘Dream Factory’ album, and many more. Now exclusively available on Mixcloud.
Total time: 1 hour, 13 minutes and 9 seconds.

Part 6 | Real Soul Music: Purple Vibes 4 the ♥ & Soul
Prince is known and widely regarded as one of the most soulful and heartfelt songwriters and performers of all time, having a sensual and highly emotional way of arranging and performing his music. Lots of his songs are in many ways deeply touching, inspiring, guiding, and have one thing if not more in common: love. This extensive compilation of selected tracks is spanning his entire career from the first song of his first album, to the penultimate song of his last album, including tracks of 30 from his 39 albums and comprising his most soulful and deeply touching tracks, including the all-time legendary hit “Purple Rain” as well as deep-cut diamonds like “Solo” or “North”, ballads as well as jazzy grooves, acoustic-, acapella-, as well as instrumental tracks, simply everything. This ultimate experience is outlining and presenting what Prince is essentially all about: love, the only word that might describe him best if only one word is asked to describe him.
Including 55 tracks spanning his entire career chronologically, including fan-favorites like “Do Me, Baby” and “If I Was Your Girlfriend”, deep-cuts like “Power Fantastic”, “When The Lights Go Down” and “Xcogitate”, as well as sensual tracks like “Scandalous”, “Insatiable”, “Mr. Goodnight”, and stunners like “Breakdown” or “Revelation”. Now exclusively available on YouTube.
Total time: 4 hours and 16 minutes.

Part 7 | Purple Music: The Legacy of Prince
Prince’s unexhaustable artistry was constantly flowing out of him effortlessly at all times, and was too extensive to be brought to the world all by himself alone. Being a music master-mind, Prince had an output that was simply too large to be released, so he created alter-ego projects to perform and release his compositions, or simply gave away his tracks to other artists. When having the inspiration, he would also write songs specifically for a certain artist, recording the instrumental track for them to perform the vocals on, and also providing his vocal track to guide their vocal performance. Prince also often collaborated with other artists with little to no recognition for his input, for the joy and his love for music. This collection contains selected tracks by other artists that were written and composed by Prince or contain his input, as well as tracks were Prince appears performing one or more instruments or background vocals.
Including 20 tracks from several artists that were written and composed by Prince, like “The Dance Electric” by André Cymone or “Yo Mister” by Patti LaBelle, collaborations like “Super Hero” by Earth, Wind & Fire or “Love Song” together with Madonna, and “Stand Back” by Stevie Nicks were Prince performed the keyboard and was credited as the main inspiration for the song. Now exclusively available on YouTube.
Total time: 1 hour, 43 minutes and 10 seconds.
Dedicated in loving memory to Prince Rogers Nelson